Message from the Minister

Our mantra at the BHC is simple:
“Every Bermudian should reasonably expect to have a safe and adequate place in which to live.”
In any Country, providing affordable housing is considered a top priority and as the Minister responsible for Housing I can assure you that this Government continues to make it a priority.
The Bermuda Housing Corporation is the Government agency solely charged with the job of housing Bermudians. We have a mandate to provide affordable rental accommodation as well as affordable homes for purchase.
At the BHC, we take our responsibility seriously, and I am pleased to be assisted by a team of dedicated professionals – men and women who are firmly committed to the task of ensuring that every Bermudian in need is adequately housed. Under the guidance of the Board of Directors the BHC is poised to deliver on a myriad of new projects while enhancing the current housing stock.
We are in the business of offering a hand up rather than hand outs and the BHC website is here to assist you in achieving your goal of home ownership. I encourage you to explore this site so you can understand more about the services that we have to offer, and I invite your feedback on how we can better serve you.
There are exciting things on the horizon at the Bermuda Housing Corporation and we are looking forward to helping you.
(Minister of Public Works, The Hon. Lt. Colonel David Burch, JP, MP)